NEW LINKS BELOW - Ongoing Classes & Special Events
Greetings to you this holiday season!
In this season of joy, celebration and reflection, I am writing now to share with you the accomplishments of New Thought Vermont in 2024 and ask for your consideration of a contribution.
We continue to focus on furthering individual and collective well-being, meaning and resilience through our programs that are offered with the goal of building connection and community through teaching and learning practices of mind, body and the creative spirit. This includes meditation and mindfulness, contemplation and reflection, movement, music and the expressive arts. As part of our efforts, we encourage folks to advocate for issues that are important to them through engaging in dialogue with legislators and others who are in a position to create positive change that affects our collective well-being.
As you know, we are open, affirming and serve all those who are interested in our offerings. Included in our work is the commitment to serving caregivers, individuals with disabilities and those who are under-served or who have been marginalized by other conditions of life.
Our mission is to improve well-being, increase resilience and deepen meaning in life for those who we serve. We do so through our efforts to build community connections; increase self-awareness; promote self-care; encourage mutual care and support; open opportunities for new learning and creative expression; and experience joy and fulfillment in the process of discovery, all of which reduce isolation and loneliness and other factors that inhibit growth as individuals and in our communities. Our programs and special events, presentations, workshops, individual services, wellness sessions, Weston Friends and outreach and awareness do just that. This year we provided:
- 13 Programs (in-person presentations, workshops, forums, group gatherings)
- 165 Individual services and supports (mentoring, teaching, coaching, counseling and wellness sessions)
- 422 On-line sessions (meditation and mindfulness, contemplation and reflection; movement for balance, stability, vitality, strength and expression for those who are aging in place; and non-denominational spiritual care)
- 20 Outreach and awareness events
New Thought Vermont is a 501(c)(3) mission-based non-profit organization and relies on the generosity of our donors. For us, this work continues to be a calling and it has been a challenge to ask our friends to support the organization financially, even though we have personally given generously, both financially and in volunteering our time and energy, to keep going with much to do on a number of fronts.
Please join us and consider making a donation. Your generosity allows us to continue providing meaningful programs.
We welcome donations toward our operational and program expenses and there are three options:
- send a check to New Thought Vermont, PO Box 185, Weston, VT 05161;
- use a credit or debit card without wanting a PayPal account CLICK HERE
- use a PayPal Giving account with credit or debit card if you already have a PayPal account or want to set one up – click here.
Thank you for your kind consideration of our request for a donation. We are ever grateful for your continuing support, encouragement and belief in what we do. Thank you for being on the journey with us!
We wish well-being, resilience and meaning in life for you and yours during this holiday season,
With heartfelt thanks and all good wishes,
William and Peter
William C. Freeman and Peter A. Miller
New Thought Vermont
PO Box 185, Weston, Vermont 05161
614 Main Street
802/824-3810 (office)
802/384-3845 (mobile)

This is an in-person event at the New Thought Vermont gallery/barn in Weston, Vermont.
Suggested donation: $125 including the workshop and lunch. *
Please make a donation using this link: Click here
THEN, REGISTER by emailing
Space is limited.
Sensory Awareness is a movement-based mindfulness practice, reconnecting us with the living moment. Everyday movements rather than exercises, playful explorations, quiet attentiveness rather than effort, take us to a place of renewed engagement.
How can we be content in a world that does not run according to our plans? How do we live in the midst of uncertainty? Through the practice of Sensory Awareness, we learn to fully connect with life as it is, a stream of experience, ever-changing and awesome. Grounded in the moment, we are freed to act from a place of curiosity rather than ambition – engaging with reality rather than fighting it.
Sensory Awareness is a process of inquiry through simple explorations of everyday movements, quiet presence and lively interactions with life. It is an invitation to question our beliefs by experiencing the world with open senses. Playful interactions with the earth’s primary forces — gravity, ground, and air — prepare the foundation for meaningful action. The constant tug of gravity is earth's call to engage, to find orientation. Ground is the support from which we rise, its firm presence gives our moves traction. Air fuels life, its free flow through us is a condition for sustainable participation in the joys and challenges of living — upright and down to earth.
Stefan Laeng is a Sensory Awareness leader and the Executive Director of the Sensory Awareness Foundation. He offers workshops in the USA and Europe. His many years of study of Buddhist meditation and philosophy inform his work and life. Currently, Stefan works on an oral history and biography of the Somatics pioneer Charlotte Selver. He lives in Peterborough, New Hampshire. Learn more at
You will also need to click on the Donate button and make a donation there or send us a check at this address:
New Thought Vermont, PO Box 185, Weston, VT 05161.
Once you are registered and have made a donation, you will receive an e-mail comfirming your registration.
All donations help us to continue our ongoing work.
* This is truly a suggested donation. We never want anyone to be denied access to our programs due to economic hardship. Pleas
Postponed ... Stay Tuned
Giving Form to Our Archetypal Selves:
Responding in Clay to Poems, Stories, Myths, and Guided Imagery.
Thursday evening, Aug 19 from 7:00 – 9:00PM EASTERN
When we “mess around” with clay, inevitably, seemingly accidental gestures increasingly evoke unexpected images. Before you know it a lump of clay becomes a Gnome, or a Guardian, or a Goddess – or all of them. And they all have something to say to you. Those surprise events are known haunts, where awe and epiphany hang out.
Please have writing materials and clay available or contact New Thought Vermont for assistance.
Trained at the Synthesis Center of Amherst Mass., Alan Steinberg maintains a practice as a Psychosynthesis Guide in Brattleboro, VT. He has been a ceramic artist and teacher for 54 years with work in galleries across the country. A founder of the Brattleboro Clayworks, he has led workshops for Rowe Conference Center, Omega at the Crossings in Austin Texas, Pendle Hill, the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen, AAP, APOV, the Vermont Leadership Institute, and in the Virgin Islands.
This session will be offered in-person (for those fully vaccinated) at New Thought Vermont in Weston and also on-line. Space is limited. Suggested donation: $20.* Please make a donation using this link: Click here
NOTE: Attached image is a sculpture by Susan Streeter