In establishing a permanent year-round base through the purchase of the former Todd Gallery at 614 Main Street in Weston, New Thought Vermont (NTV) will serve as a valuable resource for Weston and the Mountain towns. A number of ongoing activities and events are planned to meet individual needs and interests.
From youth to seniors, we welcome all to participate.
To counteract isolation and nurture creative connection, (in addition to continuing retreats, trainings and seminars offered over the years) we will host a range of opportunities both ongoing and occasional:
- Programs for stress reduction and wellness
- Mindfulness and meditation
- Expressive Movement, Yoga, Qigong, Pilates and other modalities
- Book, movie and media study groups
- Gatherings for individuals with disabilities and caregiver support, along with outreach to those who are isolated
- Discussion groups based on personal development, as well as social, economic and environmental matters
- Appreciation of and/or practice in visual art, theatre, and music (group and individual)
- Seasonal social opportunities (music events, speakers, holiday gathering)
We are creating a place for inspired connection, enriching awareness of life’s possibilities through various contemplative and spiritual practices as well as movement, vocalization and engagement in various creative pursuits.

We nurture mindful and socially conscious community; we celebrate our interconnectedness, trusting our interdependence.
We have a need for, and encourage your generous monetary donation, and we need volunteers to assist with ongoing logistics and programs. Of course, we hope to see you at events and classes! Activities will be offered with a suggested donation; we do not want anyone excluded.
NTV has been fortunate to receive a substantial matching donation to purchase the barn gallery. In order to proceed in closing the sale and launching the project, we will need to raise $35,000 to activate a matching portion of the donation. We are asking for your support and participation, in whatever way or ways that work for you.
The barn/gallery will maintain its’ historic appearance. A number of significant improvements are legally required for occupancy. If you would like to assist with any of these upgrades, let us know. This could be a dedication or naming opportunity.
A group of individuals have donated or pledged gifts, including amounts in the $5,000, $2,500, $1,000 and $500 range. In order to boost our efforts to access the $35,000 matching gift, we have created a “Founders’ Circle.” For a donation or pledge of $2,500 or more, (or $500 or more annually over five years) you will be recognized as a Founders’ Circle member. Please consider joining this collective effort. A permanent feature will be created at NTV honoring this group, and annual donations are recognized in the Annual Report. Your Founders’ Circle donation/pledge would also be acknowledged for this year under the following categories:
Annual Gift Categories
Sponsor $5,000
Benefactor $2,500
Sustainer $1,000
Patron $500
Associate $250
Donor $100
Friend $50
NTV has engaged in a year-long strategic planning process, and we have secured a generous startup gift covering our building down payment. We have held community focus groups in Weston and Londonderry, and have been working in partnership with local businesses, churches, social groups and non-profits. Please join in the founding of this exciting undertaking!